Wonderful piece...I won't claim to fully understand it, but LOVE how you're connecting all these dots. Part way through, I started thinking about grounding/Earthing, and was happy you mentioned it... When I clicked on the link to the study, I cried... My father, who passed away in June 2022, was one of the authors - Dr. Sinatra. He was so intellectually sparked by the connection between grounding and zeta potential. It was heartbreaking to lose him and I miss his intellectual curiosity and intuitive insights. I'll try to find email addresses for the other authors and send them this article.

There's only one COVID-19 and grounding study that I know of - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9381424/ - perhaps it will be of use?

I hope you keep up your amazing (and undoubtedly time-consuming) work! When I read it, my faith is strengthened that brilliant, ethical, brave and good doctors are still out there - please keep shining your light, and thanks for making my day!

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Thank you for this important article. I'm gradually coming to see value in what I only recently dismissed as quackery. This morning I was alerted by Dr. Mobeen Syed (Youtube) to this paper:


"Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination"

which shows some alarming risks from the mRNA vaccines even years after administration.

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Very good article. there is a lot to know and more to cover.

Two things caught my attention:

1. the graph on Roundup and the paragraph after it and

2. the paragraph under Colloidal Stability and Zeta Potential that starts; "Over the last 150 years, there has been a progressive decline in the health and vitality of the human species, which, as best as I can tell, began with the introduction of the smallpox vaccine..."

Please allow me to comment on each:

1. Roundup; In 1964 the Stauffer Chemical Co. Westport, Conn. patented N-phosphonomethylglycine as a product to remove unwanted metal deposits out of metal pipes, much like the product Drano does. In 1974 John E. Franz found this chemical was also a herbicide that interrupted plant development by metabolic poisoning. Franz worked for Monsanto in St. Louis who purchased N-phosphonomethylglycine and renamed it Glyphosate and marketed it as Roundup. Roundup chelates, binds, elements such as boron, iron, manganese and zinc which are + charged. Since those elements can also be found in the gut and bloodstream, perhaps this binding changes the charge of Glyphosate to + and that results in the non-typical graph shown in your article? For more information go to: https://usrtk.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/FDN_Glyphosate_FoodTesting_Report_p2016-3.pdf

2. Some 50 years ago, while in the Military, I helped do research for a study on "hyperimmunization" since all service members during Vietnam were given dozens of vaccinations. I had 2 of the yellow WHO Vaccine booklets completely filled with vaccinations received in a 3 day period of time just after entering the Service. Among other things I remember learning, long before ever hearing the term "immunosenesence," was that the more vaccinations a person is given the more damage is done to the innate immune system. Further, the older a person is, say over 65, the less able the innate immune system is able to respond to the vaccine and the more the innate immune system is damaged by vaccination. Before getting out of the Service I was called into the head of the hyperimmunization study and advised to NEVER take another immunization except Tetnus Toxoid to allow my innate immune system to recover as much as possible from the hyper immunization I had undergone and to limit future damage to my innate immune system. In the last 50 years I have had two Tetnus Toxoid injections and one Influenza Vaccine in 1991. I have had nothing more serious than the common cold in 50 years with the exception of a probable C-19 infection over 2 years ago that was treated with IVM and cleared in under 5 days.

I'll be 75 this year and am on no meds, cut my own firewood, garden, mow almost 2 acres with a push mower, care for 18 chickens, am happily married and people tell me I can't be 74. They guess I am in my early to mid 60's.

I believe you are on to something about the decline in health and vitality linked to vaccinations!

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Simplistic view! Normal fluid balance of blood of life is being compromised by toxins in its many forms including spike proteins and is compromising the body’s ability to maintain normal function. Dehydration is a contributing factor. The main culprit is the life style issues created by factory processed foods and beyond! Good discussion on a very complex issue!

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May 17, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Where is everybody? :-) Here is another idea... years ago, people diagnosed with cancer were taught to make a drink called Rejuvelac. You soak wheat berries for 3 days, until they sprout slightly. Then you drink the fermented drink. I am wondering if some gel water would not form? Since sprouting seeds tend to have a viscous coating.

Re chia seeds... what about psyllium? Also forms lots of gel. Or straight from the meadow, as plantain seeds.

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Good article; this speaks to me about the necessity for simplification of diets and other intakes. Or the old saying that we eat ourselves into sickness and fast ourselves back to health. How many people think the fistfulls of vitamins and supplements are doing them good when in fact they are burdening the liver, kidneys and other organs? The constant push to sell products to people preventatively is pernicious reality, most do little if anything for the health.

Pure water and fresh air are integral for health and not messing with nature's healing mechanisms. I've known many people in various fields of the health movement and the soundest seem to be calorie limitation, hygienic protocols, fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. People could be healed of their chronic and acute diseases if they stopped interfering with nature's powers.

Carey Ream's ionization theory was based on the innate healing mechanisms. https://dailymfg.com/rbti-resource-center/ One of his recommendations was fresh squeezed lemon juice in spring water as particularly effective with healing.

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May 20, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I will reread this several times to grasp all of it. I've been learning about this from disparate sources and this pulls much of it together.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Excellent post, MwD! Sharing with Dr. P. Appreciate your voice!

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I've recently heard it stated that JUST THE DNA molecule contains coded data enough to comprise a stack of encyclopedias reaching the clouds! If such a system with such importance as it has been determined to contain, can be unpacked (educationally) then how much more complicated is the interaction, synergy, and chemistry within the body's systems? To study it, even a specific slice of it, requires insane devotion, and is of little general assistance toward health. If we desire health, (and is that not the common denominator here?) our tack should include a more "wide angle" view, involving the simple things that promote it. The medical industry spends it's energies so as to formulate products which can be patented, created from coal-tar, and made bank from. The opposite should be the course of action. God has given us simplistic waymarks and guide-posts to enable us to gain health. We are not naturally inclined, nor expected to comprehend His Creation of the human soul. I submit that it be learned of the masses, how to, without much confusion, regain health using simple means alone, and leave the complications of bio-chemistry to the walking dead.


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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023

Tangential I know

but 3 more men reported majority tumor recession or complete clearance of C this week

They quit chemo and only used

1 gram daily fenbendazole safeguard for dogs

4 doses of essiac tea per day with 25% sheep sorrel root.

One had a baseball size tumor on his forehead that went away in 3 days after essiac tea

The other single cell lung cancer stage 4

That spread to his bones

💯 % cancer free as of 2 weeks ago after starting protocols Nov 9


The other with kidney tumors that are >60% gone after 3 weeks

Zeta potential is easy to change for the better or worse .

The game wardens know this.

EDTA and Vit C greatly add charge to the zeta potential of bodily fluids that can qualitatively and quantitatively measured

Now discuss about harmlessly curing the onslaught of cancer amongst those that took the Jim juice for $1 a day

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May 23, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I wrote below your reply.

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Smallpox Vaccine Recipients Died From Heart Inflammation, Autopsies Find

Still in use.


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A Plethora of Skin Symptoms Reported After COVID Vaccination, Solution Exists

Found his own fix.

It’s a mixture of colloidal silver, neem oil, tea tree oil with aloe vera, and zeolite.

Not just Vax injury, meds will do it too.


WHO Issues Alert - Increase In Severe Myocarditis in UK Babies


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I have been following www.orthomolecular.org since spring/summer 2020 and www.flccc.net since March 2020. The IV vitamin c issue .............. is it the answer to resolving vaccine issues? Actually, vitamin d levels of 40-60, even 60-80; use of ivermectin to bind spike protein (Dr. Paul Marik said it was a gift ..... Houston press conference, December 5, 2020); and 5 grams of liposomal vitamin c taken for at least a week if IV vitamin c is not available? yet it can be bought at ivtogo.com ?? Wondering if we move to discuss widely the research on high dose vitamin c, higher levels of vitamin d, and ivermectin ......... can people resolve these issues from the vaccines? I was shocked when I searched on "vaccines and vitamin c" ......... found article as early as 2012 ....... http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v08n07.shtml FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 14, 2012

Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness

by Thomas E Levy, MD, JD ....................... also for covid vaccines ....................



Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 18, 2021

Canceling the Spike Protein

Striking Visual Evidence

Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD

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I have Riddick’s book and also got a PDF version from Zeta Meter Inc., the company Riddick started. I am taking Zeta Aid, formulated by Dr. T. C. McDaniel, who in his late fifties had severe premature ventricular contractions (CVD) and stumbled upon Riddick’s work. He modified Riddick’s original formula and lived to almost 103 years of age. I am taking Zeta Aid daily for at least 10 years. I also read Pollack’s books. While both, Riddick and Pollack studied the effects on water, my understanding is that Pollack showed that water gets polarized on charged surfaces, like certain plastics, which formed ‘structured water’ or the ‘4th Phase of Water’. This goes back to the discovery by Dr. Gilbert Ling, who recently passed away, he found that the protein in the cells polarize the water and turns it into a gel, see also Pollack’s book ‘Cells, Gels, and the Engines of Life’. So protein or hydrophilic surfaces produce structured water that can be in the form of gels - you do not want this to happen with your blood! To the contrary, the special electrolytes, like sodium or potassium citrate with a valence ratio of 1:3, charge blood particles, which are in fact proteins, and the electrostatic repulsion prevents the formation of blood clots.

So we have protein-induces structured water in the cells (in form of a gel) and unstructured water with charged particles in the blood.

Of course, aluminum, having a valence of +3, will cause havoc to the human body and can zero out the Zeta Potential in the blood. Therefore avoid any processed food, cosmetics, or vaccines that contain aluminum. Some baking powders and anti-acids contain aluminum and also baked goods from grocery stores (e.g. Raleys’ bakery)!

Then, if you find yourself in an emergency, like a heart attack, you can make sodium citrate by using the juice of a lemon and add baking powder (sodium bicarbonate) until it stops fizzing. Add plenty of water and drink it.

Zeta Aid supposedly also dissolves kidney stones.

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"Over the last 150 years, there has been a progressive decline in the health and vitality of the human species, which, as best as I can tell, began with the introduction of the smallpox vaccine. Similarly, we saw a significant decline in our health when the 1986 vaccine law removed the incentives to produce safe vaccines, and an ever-increasing number were given to our children. Likewise, an unprecedented decline in the health and wellness of the human species has been observed following the mass administration of the COVID-19 vaccines, that I fear, like those previous instances will become the new normal future physicians will be unable to recognize."

I'm not a scientist so I can't attest to the analysis of liquid crystalline water and zeta potential, but I can say that if the above statement about vaccines is true then there's been a systematic and deliberate attempt to poison populations via vaccination leading to chronic diseases, cancerous tumors and death.

What's interesting is that the Rockefeller's were the most zealot advocates of allopathic medicine and used their influence to eliminate homeopathic treatments from being taught in medical schools:

"In 1910, The Rockefeller Foundation, along with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in New York City, helped to fund the Flexner Report of 1910, which was authored by a man named Abraham Flexner. Flexner was commissioned by the council on medical education, which was created by the American Medical Association. The intentions of this report were to help evaluate and potentially restructure medical education in the United States, and that’s exactly what it did.

During this time, therapies such as homeopathy, herbal medicine, essential oils, chiropractic, and naturopathy were commonplace. The 1910 Flexner report concluded that these natural healing modalities were “unscientific quackery.” This report also concluded that there were too many medical schools as well as too many doctors in America and called for the standardization of medical education. Of course, this was with underlying intentions being that the American Medical Association would be the only entity that could approve medical school licensure in America."


It's amazing, how one family could negatively impact the lives of most everyone on this planet either through their monopolistic energy industry, international banking and finance operations, politics, including the establishment of numerous think tanks affecting foreign policy such as the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc.. and of course medicine where

the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research established in 1901 funds scientific research, especially for infectious diseases. Diseases probably triggered by the allopathic chemicals designed by the research they fund and then enormously profit from.

No wonder, David Rockefeller was Bill Gates' mentor.

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