I really appreciate the amount of time and thought that you put into these articles for us.

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I know Dr. Robert Young hates it when people drink Apple Cider Vinegar..:))))))))

BUT, the first time I drank a very diluted glass of ACV, I felt like something was dissolving out of my muscles all over my entire body literally a millisecond after I swallowed it.

Then I noticed that the arthritic ache in my left hip joint (prednisone poisoning years before) went away completely and I could drive long distances again. I learned later that ACV removes calcium deposits in the muscles and helps skin not wrinkle... among many other things.

That sensation was remarkable - and so damn fast.

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"I think great scientific breakthroughs will occur among those who re-think everything about the Status Quo scientific approaches. This article might be a perfect example of this." Agreed Bill Rice Jr.

Wow!!! Yes, this was a challenging read, but I get the gist of the importance water movement in the body. I am in very good physical shape for a lot of reasons, but I attribute a lot of it to walking at least 4-5 miles a day with my dogs and getting plenty of sunshine. I never actually believed that sun was 'bad' for me because when there is a period of successive grey days I can actually feel sluggish, and slightly depressed. I could give you a ton more examples, but suffice it to say that I am super sensitive to sunlight, temperature, and movement of my body.

I also perform weight-bearing exercises (utilizing the majority of muscle mass) at least 5 times per week. I am a woman of long lean muscle mass (ectomorph) or as some like to call me a "tall drink of water." I take that as a compliment. I believe weight-bearing exercise is especially important for my particular body type to maintain strength, balance, and flexibility. In addition, the extra added benefits are I have a low percentage of body fat, extremely low resting heart rate, and very high energy. I drink filtered, structured lemon water to the tune of at least 60-80 ounces per day. I am going to try the apple cider vinegar diluted water based on others comments. Thanks. I always read comments for tips.

Thanks AMD!!! Keep the information flowing--no pun intended--hahahaha.

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I wish I could fully understand the science of this article, because I'm sure I'm missing important aspects of the science behind this article. But I do understand and greatly appreciate the cultural importance of this article: It shows doctors like you thinking once again like medical scientists. That is very encouraging.

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Thanks for a thought provoking article. My father died from an issue, where his body could not get rid of the fluid he ingested. His weight would fluctuate from 150 to 250 pounds. His doctor put him in the hospital and gave him diuretics; drained his body of fluird; and it would bring him back down to 150 pounds. After several times, his heart failed. The doctor gave him potassium supplements, but there are many more nutrients that the body needs in order to function. Most foods and beverages many Americans are eating and drinking have little value nutritonally. These missing nutrients are very important in order for our body to work. This is one of the causes of heart failure. Many are not aware of the best source of water. It is what our Creator made for us...organic fruits and vegetables; the higher the percentage of raw one ingests, the better. Raw fruit and vegetables contains: 75% - 94% water.

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

I'm an acupuncturist and I can tell you that the number one cause of pain - particularly nerve pain - is what the Chinese call "blood stasis" - the failure of blood to circulate freely. Releasing a small amount of blood from the right spot will unblock the free flow and quite literally work a miracle. I even wrote a book on the practice, The Complete Guide to Chinese Medicine Bloodletting. Get the blood moving again and you can relieve pain and restore health in very short order. Midwest Doc you are most definitely onto something!!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

What an amazing article going into so much detailed information. I must admit it is ‘way over my head’ but I appreciate your ability to explain. You are a wonderful human and compassionate doctor that truly cares about your patients.

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Cranial nerves. I have noticed so many symptoms since the C-19 mRNA vaccine. Especially the right eye. Are these tiny capillaries clogging up and creating all of these Ophthalmic tics? I am not sure why, but it seems that the right eye is predominant.

Lids and leveling changes are amongst the most common. We are beginning to look like we are in a Salvadore Dali painting. I have never seen changes like this occur so quickly.

I am always thrilled by this series. I appreciate how difficult it is to present a lesson as complex as this so that we all understand, but you do!

I worked for a NeuroOphthalmologist who also possessed a talent for teaching. Golden.

Thank you.

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This is your masterpiece so far. Don’t stop

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One of the first pieces of evidence I remember seeing, for what the covid injections were doing in the body, was a German doctor who routinely looked at her patients' blood under a microscope, and she showed the rouleaux formations in the RBC, which looked horrendous. No way they *didn't know* this was happening.

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Doc, thank you for this article. Why blood cells clump together forming micro clots inside pulmonary capillaries is one of the most important aspects about COVID that I took from Dr McCullough’s early writings regarding why putting patients with low sats onto ventilators could cause over pressurized tissue to essentially burst and in many cases the patients on ventilator therapy could expire due to pulmonary edema. At least that was my take away and I’m not sure it is entirely correct or if I’m just on the right path.

As a practicing EMT our call volume for breathing problems have increased dramatically over the last few years, especially in younger patients. I am beginning to think that the mRNA injections might have some role in that.

It would be beneficial I think if you could summarize in layman’s terms a few key points on how the fluid is moving without the pumping mechanism. It was an excellent example of how water ascends plants and trees that do not have pumps. More examples like that will help my less trained mind understand the physics better.

Thank you again for your devotion to medicine and scientific discourse and discovery. As a practicing recovering pharmaceutical sales person, I absolutely understand your comments regarding practicing clinicians and the conflict that they have a between their employers, and their patients. I called on many doctors who would simply prescribe a drug to satisfy a patient if they believe that the drug would not harm the patient rather than taking the time to explain to the patient why the drug that they asked for was not appropriate. prescription drug advertising is a negative driver. It has done more harm in this country I believe than any single act endorsed by the FDA. Unfortunately, the intersection of big Pharma, big media and big government has formed a bond that contributed to the decline of scientific processes in favor of controlling the narrative to make money the end all and be all.

God Bless! Keep educating your readers!

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor


I watched this video of a public meeting, which I came across on the "World Doctors Alliance" group on the Telegram app, and thought it was a very helpful, constructive, non-threatening approach.

This lady did NONE of the "this is what I know that you ought to know" attitude that you find with 00DEZ, for example. She is merely offering help and support to help people with what they want to achieve, with the situational awareness that they already have.

The difficulty that people experience with the "you need to wake up to this" approach is that not everyone is in the same position, and some or many feel threatened and get either defensive, or aggressive, or dismiss things that conflict with how they understand the world currently.

The recognition that people need the help and co-operation of other like-minded people, on the other hand, is pretty universal.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Great article.

Do you know Steven Clavey's Fluid Physiology and Pathology in Traditional Chinese Medicine?


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Apr 30, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thank you Dr. For this information. While I’m just a Mom and learning and observing everything. I so appreciate your analysis I think your on to something with all this. I recently just watched this video explaining about water and salt and our cells.

Since we know our diets are terrible with all the processed foods and people with preexisting health conditions. Most people are nutrient deficient and their bodies can’t absorb water through their cells without sodium. We all know the table salt is bad! But the good salts like sea salt are full of the beneficial magnesium!

Just a thought.

I hope this helps with helping so many who are sick! Our bodies tell us when something is wrong if we listen to them!


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Apr 30, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

I will have to read your article several times. Thank you for writing it. I watched a really interesting video yesterday by Dr Been he explained using some results from RAMAN spectroscopy how Spike was damaging mitochondria and got to the electron level. Quite early in Covid I watched another video that basically said we should treat covid at the electronic level. The suggested treatments included IR therapy, colloidal gold, Ozone and increasing oxytocin. I bought an IR blanket and although I have not used it lots of times I have found it to be very therapeutic as have others who have tried it. I have also liked reading about the electric universe - everything is electric - it all makes much more sense and makes science far more exciting.

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Apr 30, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Regarding the heart being/not being a pump. A pump in a closed system of piping has to balance the amount it sucks in versus the amount it pumps out. I would imagine that this would be far to simplistic for a biological system.

Perhaps one needs to try to visualize the heart as 2 sections: suction and pressure. The sections wouldn't be just the heart organ, but would need to include all the vessels on the suction and the pressure sides.

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