Thank you for this informative post. One thing I’ve done is place this information in my exam rooms on the walls and allow patients to decide for themselves without me coming across as a zealot trying to push what I think on them. Clearly, most are not aware of this and some even take pictures on their cellphones to pass the information to others. This has been very gratifying. And thank you for all the links.

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Timely, as I am a concerned family doctor feeling myself slipping into some nihilism about society. Very black pilled at the moment. Thank you for your words.

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I believe there is widespread knowledge that the vaccines are dangerous. Even our premier of Ontario pretended to drop when he faked getting his booster. The "suddenlyitis" that is occurring daily, though anecdotal, seems to be leagues higher than the historical average. It's harder to get a grip on injuries though twitter threads will show many people reporting their suffering or someone close to them.

I'm in Canada, but here is my report of AE: 6 quickly dead of various ages (strokes and heart), at least 10 injuries: heart damage, fast uncontrolled heart acceleration, neuropathy (multiple people with nerve pain, some extreme), shaking hands (not resolved), and an extreme outbreak of psoriasis or similar on hands and feet, couldn't even walk on them. I do not have a wide social circle either.

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Thank you very much. I’m looking forward to history of the pioneers, like dr Bradstreet & others in that era.

I had boosters for work in an autistic classroom ( ironic!) in 2001, by 2003 I was applying for disability.

I was so sick and broken, I had blamed myself for the first few years- my recently getting sober from alcohol and healing from ptsd & depression, it was natural to blame myself for my problems. As I healed from adrenal exhaustion, I started to realize it was related to my booster shots. Insurance dictated doctors never had any answers! And they gaslit me for years. Called me non compliant when I started refusing antidepressants. I’m on a sidetracked tangent, but nobody has listened, so thanks for letting me comment. I lived through physical issues that were worse than death, especially not having any hope & so much pain. I believe God carried me through that unbearable time in my life. With my integrative medicine doctor, I have been healing and obtained some quality of life again, enough to be happily married recently. Maybe even be able to work part time again in the near future.

I hope people continue to realize our system doesn’t care about our welfare & take their health into their own hands. I trusted the current system far too long myself.

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A German member of parliament has obtained the health insurance data for 72 million Germans (90% of the population) for the years 2019 to 2021 and given the data to a data analyst. Tomorrow morning there is going to be a press conference, where he shares his conclusions. Imo this will be a very revealing press conference. The only drawback is that afaik the covid shots were billed directly to the government and not to the health insurance, so there is no way to directly connect specific illnesses to the vaccines.

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This is a very insightful post...thank you very much!!!

Many years before the pandemic occurred, I had read that there could be no vaccine for the common cold because it was a coronavirus that mutated quickly. So when it was reported in fall 2020 there was a vaccine for the CV19, I was very surprised, especially since I had learned that it normally took about 10 years plus to develop a good vaccine for anything. That made me very skeptical when the vaccine came out. I have an excellent immune system and never get the flu not the shot nor a cold. So, I was not afraid of getting CV19. I live in a forested rural area, run every morning & don't have much contact with hoards of people. Back to the vaccine...I went to the websites of Pfizer, Moderna & J&J and read their side effects. Each one said do not get the shot if you had anaphylactic episodes. I have from bee stings and from eating pineapple. When my eldest son tried to get me to get the jab, I said no way! He was quite upset with me but I held my ground. My closest friends have not had the jab. Although, sadly many have had it and they are all left leaners. One, who was a community arts leader, died suddenly from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. It was diagnosed & he died within 3 months which is a timeframe liked to the jab. I feel that it is every doctor's or medical practitioner's duty to warn a patient of the extreme risks involved with the jabs & boosters!

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

"The press is our chief ideological weapon."

—Nikita Khrushchev

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.”

- Vladimir Lenin


“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”

- Richard Salant, former head of CBS News

One point of order in this EXCELLENT (as always) article. Relative to Vietnam, Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it.

But, also relative to the Malthusian presuppositions behind this shot, Arnett's quote IS apropos!

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

Hygiene was what Florence Nightingale did, whereas the modern use of antimicrobials is ironically the opposite, because it spreads toxins. Washing the body with soap or detergents should be limited, because it strips off protective body oils, which may ironically aid the spread of contaminants! Bacteria are probably mostly a Red Herring and a flawed justification for toxic chemical "Hygiene". Bacteria are everywhere, so if we can't handle them, we've got major problems! If some bacteria are a problem; it would seem far better to crowd them out with ones which are not a problem.

A good start would be to limit, make conditional, or even completely abolish limited liability protection for all businesses, so that owners, management and other workers find it much harder to hide from punishment for their bad behaviours! There should also be a law that if they have knowingly market any deception, that they face far more serious punishment than for genuine mistakes of ignorance.

Vaccination was originally wishful thinking, based upon the unproven speculation, which became rebranded as Germ Theory, and has become a metastasised cancerous, big evil, which must be opposed, finally declared a crime, and absolutely banned!

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 11, 2022

Great contribution. Thank you.

And...we now have a clear estimate of vaccine injuries in the short term. Long term costs will become more apparent as time goes on. What will the rate be in 3 years, 5 years, 10?

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"I eventually came to the conclusion that the culture was not yet ready to accept the harms of vaccination "Wow, would really love to know in more depth what your thought process was that brought you to this conclusion.

I was raised in a medical family, the third and last child by a few years. I had the easiest personality by far, but there was an issue with me and shots, from the get go. I can only surmise in hindsight it was strongly intuitive for me and ultimately a power struggle for my ortho MD dad. Fortunately we didn't have to "go there" but a couple of times, but it's a very vivid memory. He was not one to oppose, if you could avoid it. I even remember a teasing threat suggested, one time when I wanted to stay home from school, not feeling great. This is long long ago. With a not so instant replay, on this recent situation circa 2020, I was in compassionate but sure opposition to what I saw coming. Research provided to all the rest of the family, long before any injections rolled out but to no avail. (Sadly, my two older siblings, have paid the ultimate price, and are now gone to the great beyond.) Due to groupthink, the whole family jumped on board, without the least imagination that anyone with medical family could doubt that the injections, were safe etc. etc. I remain a happy, healthy outcast.

THANKS for all you do!

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Another beautifully written analysis. You have brought up many of the issues that I have been struggling with since I became red pilled very early on (March 2020) after I had received 2 doses of the gene therapy. The harms I have witnessed are nothing short of catastrophic in many cases and the survey results are even worse than I had estimated.

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XXXIV. Congress shall make no law restricting the right of any person to introduce, or to decline to introduce, any substance into his body, by any means of delivery, nor shall any person be subjected to any surgery or other medical procedure without his voluntary and informed consent.

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With 20+ years as a Father to a Son with Autism, and a second son in the Military, I am pretty conversational about this topic.

But holy cow, this is an amazing piece. I will be printing, re-reading, and re-thinking.

Genuine appreciation from NYC.

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Lest people forget, FRAUD VITIATES EVERY AGREEMENT. Vitiate Definition: To make ineffective (a contract or legal stipulation, for example); invalidate.

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The nz government stats say it all when it comes to the public’s views on this vaccine. 84% of the population got the first dose. 81% got the second. 54% got the 1st booster. Only 14% got a second booster. If we keep pushing we will succeed in exposing the vaccine scam

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Sadly, most of my colleagues are employees of large hospital chains and risk their jobs doing anything remotely different than the official narrative. Even sadder is most of them DO believe the official narrative, and have no cognitive dissonance. I also have brochures in the waiting area which I obtained from Citizens for Free Speech( amazing such an organization has to exist in the USA): Informed Consent, Propaganda, and the Dangers of Masks. I am prepared to deal with any negative consequences of my efforts, but nothing has happened since I started in early 2020.

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