I am grateful for your covering this topic. Yes, please keep going. It's so important, and you are correct that many people shut down and don't want to hear it.

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May 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

About 10 years ago I went through a period of intermittent depression and was prescribed Paxil by a psychiatrist. Due to its ineffectiveness and unpleasant effects I weaned off of it fairly soon. Shortly thereafter a study from I believe Harvard showed SSRIs simply don’t work. What a great business model I thought and am not at all surprised that over 10% of people still take them. We have to consider just how many people continue to consume them year after year and how much this stunts the ability to think clearly. Probably enough for some to accept multiple doses of an experimental gene therapy proven to be both unsafe and ineffective.

By the way I was lucky enough to find help using the herb kratom which has brought relief to countless people suffering through many conditions... and has been targeted through a longstanding disinformation campaign by the FDA. If you’d like to learn more about this wonderful plant and the battle to keep it legal, check out https://www.americankratom.org/


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I really appreciate you covering this topic. My young adult daughter has been taking prozac for over two years. She started due to disabling fears created after being held at gunpoint. Though she seems to be doing better fear-wise, she refuses to consider stopping and her physician sees no problem with her taking indefinitely. What makes this harder is it appears that every single one of her friends is taking psychiatric meds for one thing or another, so in her world, this is perfectly normal. As a side note, she has also become obese. I have wondered if the drug has played a role.

I know that arguing with my daughter about this or showing her evidence of harms does no good. She believes what she wants to believe.

Curious if anyone has any ideas how we can help our loved ones consider stopping SSRIs when their own physicians are encouraging this and society leads them to believe they can't function without them.

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I am more and more realizing how wicked the ways of the world are. I admit, I find within myself that impulse adverted to in this essay, to dismiss the possibility of SSRIs causing the kinds of damage chronicled, and to write off as conspiracy theory the execrable schemings, coverups and collusion presented here as conspiracy fact.

I had heard about this sort of thing before, from people I trust and respect, and I had as it were only been able to believe it by half, and temporarily, due to cognitive dissonance and an unwillingness to be flooded by horror. But these last two years have been enough of a bitter pill to salt my blood with sterner humors, and I can’t play the carefree and trusting child anymore. I might be so towards the Good Lord, but against this brood of vipers I must grow canny.

I find myself thinking back to how it went for me as a teen. Came a time I was evidently suffering from that most insipid of designations, depression, and I had been persuaded to seek, as the phrase has it, professional help. So I showed up at the HMO’s medical compound where it was promised I could see a mental health therapist.

Will people recognize at once where this is headed? The first thing she starts talking about is my chemical imbalance. This was the going phrase at the time: “chemical imbalance.” No one drew my blood, no one examined my life under a microscope; though I had undergone an EEG years before to receive a diagnosis of childhood epilepsy, no one now looked any more closely at my nervous system than they did at my soul. How could she know I had a chemical imbalance? Based solely on my acne?

From the word go this therapist was angry at me, she was utterly impatient with the passable teenage ‘tude I bristled with as psychic armor, and she castigated me for my interest in “all that Freudian stuff,” which the dreary world no longer believed in. (How compellingly would the witch archetype have been constellated if I’d let slip I was a nascent Jungian?)

Chemical imbalance was all the rage at the time. Sadly, even my own mother had internalized the doctrine: “But what if you have a chemical imbalance?” she’d say to me, concerned. Something had to be done.

But don’t you understand? I was a teenager at the time; I hadn’t matured and got my ish together yet. Moreover, I had enough aswirl in my fledgling psyche to confuse and confound anyone, and I wasn't sure what to do with it all: from parental divorce to social isolation; from questions about my sexuality, to questions about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. Why must it have been an issue of chemical imbalance, and not a question of rites of passage, of patience, wise counsel, nourishment unto healing, a question of soul retrieval and the quest for God’s blessing?

Never eat what they offer or your brain will end up pickled in a jar in their dingy excuse for an underworld. I escaped being prescribed anything to rebalance my brain chemistry because I had enough piss and vinegar and good instincts to say no. I conveyed to my mother, who I am grateful to for respecting my decision and listening to me more carefully than the professional did, that the masters of hell would sooner establish a diversity, equity, and inclusion committee than I would return to that witch’s therapy hut.

Twenty-some years on, I’ve been through a lot of conscious movement and journaling practice, accessed more self-confidence, and been thoroughly convicted of God’s love for me. I suppose that was enough to give me the strength to decline the latest safe and effective elixir to be urged on me by all the world.

This world, it is a vale of tears and a den of iniquity. The best title for a book ever chosen was “Lamentations.”

But goodness exists also. I believe it, and have known it. I thank God. “Judge me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation… And I will go in to the altar of God, to God who giveth joy to my youth.”

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In the early 90’s( can’t remember the exact year) I personally knew and was involved with the family of the 66 year old man you mentioned that stabbed his wife over 200 times then killed himself. We were all members of a small community church and we used to go to their house for Bible study. His children sued Eli Lilly ( not for the money , they became quite wealthy) but to have Prozac labeled with all these warnings .The saddest thing was that if they knew there was any chance this could happen when he stopped the drug ,they would have hired round the clock in home care to be sure he was doing ok. They had the means to do whatever it would have taken to be safe during that time but they just didn’t have the knowledge . It was the saddest time that will always be with me.

I’m sickened by the drugs and drug companies , it’s so far out of control now.

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Over one year ago, on April 1st, 2021, I found my daughters journal entry open on her bed and shockingly saw that she was planning suicide. Like a robot on autopilot, I called her counselor and drove her to the local hospital die children struggling with mental health. Many times in my past, I had already been there as I worked many years with children with behavioral and mental disabilities. My child had been suffering from severe depression since the onset of quarantine, which worsened upon her father abandoning me at the end of April 2020. I was able to carry my daughter through that initial time with lots of connection. Fast forward a few months. I began to get very sick with nausea and it spiraled into a daily occurrence that left me bed bound with my mom coming to help the weeks I had my three kids. My previous breast cancer treatment left me with a lot of health issues. Unfortunately, the need to tend to this coupled with the shocking realities that were surfacing in the world, greatly minimized my time with oldest. Without that constant support, she quickly spiraled down to this moment I found her journal entry. Within one day of beginning Zoloft in the hospital, I became the enemy. The one she could blame for all of her suffering. I couldn’t tell her the truth because my ex husband was 100% in support of the plandemic narrative. Anyhow, I agreed for her to stay with her father for a couple of weeks and that was a big mistake. When her depression did not let up, I questioned the drug as she began to self harm through cutting, which she never did pre-medication. I suggested that my ex take her off the drug and that it was the cause of her severe rage towards me as well as the self mutilation. He told me he’d “leave it to the experts” and took her back to the doctor who increased her medication. After another attempt at running away, a refusal to engage in therapy and false accusations of abuse towards me, that were dismissed by DSS, she was placed in wilderness therapy. After being there for three months, she was transferred to a therapeutic boarding school for teen girls aged 12-16. I remembered and found a test that a holistic psychiatrist gave her in the first grade that found a genetic defect that claimed that SSRIs would make her symptoms worse! I was excited and quickly sent it to the school psychiatrist, who, thankfully, agreed with the year and took her off the medication. My prayers were answered! In the following three months, she increasingly got better and showed signs of wanting to repair with me, but so much damage had taken place with her father alienating her from me. Nevertheless, she was roller skating daily, leading ukulele and singing classes, jumping for joy when they would go Rick climbing and expressing a lot of positive statements about her own healing and the prospect of our repair work. Then, I got an email from the school nurse saying that the psychiatrist wanted to start her on another medication. I looked it up...Pristiq...and was horrified! It is not even approved for children and there was a study done that proved it to be non ore effective than a placebo for children. In addition, the side effects include suicidal ideation and self harm. I asked the nurse to arrange a phone call with the doctor. That weekend, my ex emailed me several times asking me if I’d agreed to the medication. I told him I was waiting to talk By the following Monday, a claim arrived in the mail. My ex was suing me for temporary medical custody of my child. The trial was only an hour and I lost. I was not even given the opportunity to talk and the psychiatrist even expressed that it was a normal process that I took with wanting to ask some questions, but he did assure the judge that this drug was safe. He spoke about ten minutes about his expertise yet I was never asked about my expert perspective of my own child who I stayed at home with her whole life. Two days after beginning the new medication, an SNRI, she cut again. After going 3 1/2 months without. Now, she has cut five times. I have contacted the nurse and doctor again, written multiple letters to the staff and even did an interview with a local podcast to try to get my story heard and my rights restored, to no avail. My poor child continues to feel such angst and anxiety that it brings her relief to cut. The staff and doctor make excuses that her peers dysregulation is causing her to cut again, yet she did not do it at all for the 3 1/2 months she was off medication and on supplements that I provided. We are set to go to court again for permanent custody, including medical for all of my children. I was the primary caretaker of all of my children and mostly treated them naturally. My ex is wanting to vaccinate all of my children, not only with the Covid jab, but all the ones we jointly agreed to skip that are recommended by the CDC. I am a very loving mom and stayed home, putting my career to the side. Now, all of my rights, my identify, my job have been pulled from under me. That is nothing in comparison to the awful state of mind my child had been in since this quarantine, but even more since she has been put on medication. And my child is not the only one suffering. I hear it from everyone who has a teen. Even those whose own child is fairing well, that is not the case for their friends. My nephews best friend shit himself in the head. My niece is in counseling for depression. My dentists daughter has had three kids commit suicide this past year. And medication is NOT the answer. These children have NO hope and feel like they have no future.

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From "Behold a Pale Horse" by William Cooper (1991)



Page 225

"The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of military firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd amendment."

Author's Note: "I have found that these events have indeed happened all over the country. In every instance that I have investigated — the incident at the women's school in Canada, the shopping center incident in Canada, the Stock- ton, California, massacre, and the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane — the shooters were all ex-mental patients or were current mental patients who were ALL ON THE DRUG PROZAC! This drug, when taken in certain doses, increases the serotonin level in the patient, causing extreme violence. Couple that with a posthypnotic suggestion or control through an electronic brain implant or microwave or E.L.F. intrusion and you get mass murder, ending in every case with the suicide of the perpetrator. Exhume the bodies of the murderers and check for a brain implant. I think you are going to be surprised. In every case the name of the murderer's doctor or mental treatment facility has been withheld. I believe we will be able to establish intelligence-com- munity connections and/or connections to known CIA experimental mind- control programs when we finally discover who these doctors of death really are."

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May 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thanks for this--couldn't agree more. Doctors hand SSRIs out like candy.

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Sadly, pharma advertising money is so much of the budget of news media that this will never trend as an issue. Thus nothing will ever be done about it. Politicians won't touch it unless it is on the news and they are forced to. Why risk losing pharma bucks and have backchannel sabotage worked against your campaign? Plus mass shootings really redound to the benefit of elites that want to disarm the populace so they can go "full aussie" and get camps ready for the next or next next disease hysteria. People who are aware of things like this and vaccine injury live in a shadow world. We can only protect ourselves and a close circle. My kids are going to hear a lot about NEVER consulting a psychiatrist.

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I would like to add....the Bible DOES say that drugs (from the Greek pharmakia) are a gateway for demonic activity. You can ALWAYS see demons in the crazy eyes....they're looking right back at you! We are forgetting, or just don't believe at all, that the Bible is the owners manual for life. To add further, since God judges us by the intent our hearts, your life depending drugs aren't bad. Use discernment like everything else.

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May 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Fantastic writing and discussion. Thank you.

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May 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Thanks for another significant increment to my education.

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this was hard to read but very much appreciated.

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May 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

You work is extremely important, Doctor. Many of us are with you. PHARMA used the same bully tactics to mandate their pills as they did with the MRNA injections. Insurance companies would not pay unless the therapist referred his patient for meds. That had to be documented on the treatment plan with the bill.

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Hypervaccination in babies, formula and SAD diet then, anphetamines during childhood, antidepressants in young teenagers and antipsychotics and opiates from them on.

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May 27, 2022Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Excellent article....many thanks

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