Bravo. Those of us with two brain cells functioning saw this happening and were appalled. Maybe I had an advantage going through the HIV/AIDS panic in the military managing large comm facilities and saw the same behavior, vaccine vaccine vaccine, sanitize every surface, don’t mingle HIV/AIDS positive with non positive in the dorms. Panic all around. I wondered if it was Birx. Frankly, none of the main three seemed to be telling the truth. The nation did not have to go through this.

I got forced into the damn shot because of my healthcare system. My husband is disabled. If I wanted to advocate for him, I had to get it. Otherwise I would not be allowed in treatment facilities. I took J&J and promptly clotted, though on blood thinners. It has been shades of my reaction to the Yellow Fever vaccine all over again. I’ve been gaslighted before and endured it. I can do it again.

My only success was convincing my husband to not get a fourth shot after having omicron. My doctor blamed me for him getting Omicron because I was not fully vaccinated. She could not explain how he got it first though. LOL had he not refused to test when he got symptoms and not been coughing all over me at night, I suspect, I would not have gotten it. Luckily, it was just an annoying cold for both of us. Thankfully, that fool of a doctor has retired.

I’m still sand and angry for the nation.

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Pence was in charge of the Covid-19 task force. For some reason Pence has not been blamed for the Covid-19 task force results.

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There is no possible rehabilitation for our corrupt alphabet soup gang of health regulatory agencies (CDC, FDA, NIH, etc.). Any reform would be rapidly recaptured by industry. The only real solution is to fire every health bureaucrat and permanently shutter their bureaus. Market demand for safety and efficacy testing can be provided by independent laboratories.

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Friendly reminder as a 20+ year Autism parent. Covid is what they did to everyone, but the destruction continues with the Childhood Vaccine Schedule.



"About 1 in 36 children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) according to estimates from CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network."

There has NEVER been a study on the CUMULATIVE effect of all the vaccines added since the 1986 Vaxx Act which indemnified Big Pharma. You can read my pinned article for my suggested solutions:


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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The "rapid" institutional decline of science, and in this case, health care, has been ongoing for over 100 years and mostly accelerated since the 1990s, which basically all of the commentators on the COVID 19 "pandemic response" are missing, ignoring, and continue to misunderstand or censor because they do not understand it at all.

Stealth euthanasia, undeclared medical killing, has been going on for decades. All of the COVID "pandemic response" violations of the standards of care have been preceded by other or the same types of violations of the standards of care for decades, only in a more select arena: hospice which has been tainted by those who are/were euthanasia and eugenics zealots.

The Covert euthanasia/eugenics movement worked within health care to pervert the standards of care and the ethics upon which authentic health care depends. Those who are complaining now, writing these articles, are missing that these changes were coming for decades.

Those who are complaining now, believed in the illusion of the health care system as possessing integrity, being based upon the Hippocratic Oath and/or the Judeo-Christian ethics that recognized the sanctity of life. These values and moral guidelines, i.e., ethics, were jettisoned by the US Congress in the late 1970s when the Congressionally mandated/created Belmont Commission issued its report, the "Belmont Report," which replaced the Hippocratic Oath and Judeo-Christian ethics with what was at the time called "Federal Ethics," "Bioethics," or "Secular Bioethics." Note the word, Secular!

There is no recognition of the sanctity of life in the secular worldview. It is utilitarian in essence and any who are not contributing to society are considered, as the Nazis did, "useless eaters." The effect of the Belmont Report was that all federally-funded research labs, universities (medical, nursing, etc) were required to honor the principles enumerated in the Belmont Report: "respect for persons"/autonomy, beneficence, justice, and informed consent. See: "What is Bioethics?" by Prof Dianne N Irving, PhD, MA at:


These principles are not what most people think of when they consider these words. Autonomy or self-direction of one's care is a one way street that honors the patient's wishes only if they seek to limit care, reject life-extending care. Beneficence is not the good of the patient, but the greater good of society, and justice is not what is just for the patient, but what is the just allocation of "scarce healthcare resources." Informed consent as a principle is given lip service but is violated routinely and most egregiously in the COVID "pandemic response."

The opening into the healthcare system itself, into direct patient care, began within the hospice and palliative care niche, tainting it, transforming it from the life-affirming mission to help patients live the very best life they could so long as they lived, to one that in many cases, directly facilitated a hastened death, even direct, but undeclared, medical killing, i.e., stealth euthanasia.

Through the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and into the 2020s, this tainting spread to other niches of health care. All new physicians (nurses and other health care professionals) are made to study to some extent "palliative care medicine" and are introduced to hospice, not as life-affirming missions that recognize the sanctity of life where death is never imposed, but as places where "comfort care" became synonymous with over-sedating patients or even overdosing with opioids that cause respiratory shutdown and death.

Those who complain about being silenced now, have not acknowledged that those of us who've fought this poison that exists within healthcare for decades, have been silenced for decades. And still, you do not acknowledge the source of what is happening today.

The culture of death, which is equivalent to a society of people who readily accept the idea and practice of imposing death through stealth euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide, and abortion, and more, in a myriad of ways promotes the degradation of human society, just as it promotes and has succeeded in the degradation of health care.

There is no "sudden" change in the past few years. It's been going on for decades on a massive scale and been 100% censored in the elite-controlled media that is utilitarian.

The thousands of physicians, scientists, and others who came from Nazi Germany to America in Operation Paperclip have had their influence in tainting America's healthcare system. Most Nazis were not executed. A fact that most people do not think about or know. Where did they go? What did they do? What influence did they have and still have? The poison never died. The poison is what you are writing about but do not recognize as having existed for long before many even thought about these things.

This is explained in the full-length book, Stealth Euthanasia: Health care Tyranny in America, which is available online at the Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization website as a pdf e-book:


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When are these people going to be held accountable? I appreciate your article but it is time for bad behavior to have severe consequences. That seems to be the only thing that causes most people to straighten up.

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Nice synopsis. And utterly infuriating.

What are the actionable takeaways from all this? When are we going to start focusing on solutions?

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Re your comments about modern feudalisation: There is one more social group beside the King, Lords, military and serfs that is important. This is the mob. The king often has a natural opposition to the lords as a social group. The military and the serfs are likely as not to side with the lords as with the king ( ex: Bad King John who was forced to sign the Magna Carta). The one group that the King can mobilize against the nobility, particularly if the society has some large cities, is the mob.

When Constantine founded Constantinople, he made it a replica of Rome. It had a Hippodrome, a Senate house, seven hills (sort of) and he made sure to import a mob. These were the people who lived on government dole (bread and circuses) and who could be depended on to support the emperor, who provided their sustenance and entertainment, if his power was threatened.

The parallel with the modern welfare state should be fairly obvious.

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I was hired as a consultant by many government agencies (including CDC) over the years. You are absolutely right that there are many good scientists in these agencies, and even some very good bureaucrats. However they are hobbled from below by incompetent support staff and at the top by a few personality disordered supervisors. The support staff are incompetent because they are hired for reasons unrelated to their abilities. The top supervisors are often sociopaths who lack a moral compass and have sufficient narcissism to climb to the top of their dysfunctional agencies. About 20 years ago CDC hired me to clean up a mess created by some of the most gross incompetence I ever encountered. I remember thinking at the time we would be in terrible trouble if a highly contagious disease ever broke out, and I was right. If the CDC was the nation's immune system, the country was immunocompromised.

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I have found that in large organizations the least qualified wind up occupying the top positions. They are the power hungry pigs who are driven to control others.

Just my limited experience.

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Mar 26, 2023·edited Mar 26, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Great article. You covered so much ground here, it's difficult writing a concise comment. I'll limit it to a couple of points.

1) I admired Dr. Atlas from the beginning of this debacle, and was happy he was appointed to the task force. His analyses and recommendations were spot on and brilliantly written. This poor guy was raked over coals and dragged through mud by the media, medical and public health agencies, corrupt or ignorant politicians, and everyone who benefited in any way from the false narrative. He was the medical equivalent of Trump from the standpoint of being vilified and falsely discredited.

2) It's a sad and tragic - but historically true - fact that the majority of people always elect those (i) lower in quality than themselves, and (ii) who will cause the most chaos, harm and evil. And by "elect" I don't mean only by official voting, but electing in the most general sense. This has always been true, but has been most evident the past 3 years.

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I knew Birx was bad, but damn!

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

The pit of hell is getting deeper. Adolph Fauci better scoot over for Devil Birx - and too many more to count.

Do unto others. If only, Doc. God bless you.

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

A long but necessary read!!! I just brought my husband home from a 3 day hospital stay. In his discharge packet was a full page document which started with the following sentence: “We see you have not been vaccinated with the Covid 19 vaccine.” It then went into a full page explanation of why he should get the vaccine. All the bullet points were lies, beginning with it is “SAFE and EFFECTIVE.” I was astonished. Now, after reading this post, I am understanding but no less astonished!!!!! Thank you for posting this. To the American public: WAKE UP AND STAND YOUR GROUND!

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Thanks for giving me the opportunity here to pull from my extensive knowledge of Dune series quotes. This one is on the subject of leaders and 'data' and is from God Emperor of Dune. I have ruminated on this, and many other parts of the Dune novels for many years and learned a great deal from them.

Quote from Frank Herbert found in God Emperor of Dune:

“The difference between a good administrator and a bad one is about five heartbeats. Good administrators make immediate choices. […] They usually can be made to work. A bad administrator, on the other hand, hesitates, diddles around, asks for committees, for research and reports. Eventually, he acts in ways which create serious problems. […] “A bad administrator is more concerned with reports than with decisions. He wants the hard record which he can display as an excuse for his errors. [...] Often, the most important piece of information is that something has gone wrong. Bad administrators hide their mistakes until it’s too late to make corrections.”

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by A Midwestern Doctor

Export the United States Constitution...

...and stop exporting “weapons of war”

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